Since I started Crossfit a few years ago, there have been a couple different types of "meal plans" that are suggested to crossfitters. The first one I tried was Zone. That is having a specific quantity of food, but the quality didn't matter. I lost weight while doing this, but I think it's because I wasn't eating enough. I'd pick a cookie (2 blocks) over 4 cups of broccoli (1 block) and be satisfied for a short while. However, as knowledge about food and it's effects on the body progressed, the views on what is healthy has progressed as well.
That's when I found Paleo. (If you haven't heard of Paleo,
do research now!) Although not at all regularly or very strict, Zach and I have been doing Paleo for a while now. Paleo is all about the quality of food you eat; the only guideline is to eat real food. Eat meat that used to have a face, eat veggies or fruit you could harvest yourself, enjoy eating healthy fats. It's not at all a diet; it is a way of life. Do active things, eat well, sleep. We've done a few installs of 30 days of strict paleo; however, we have found that after those 30 days, we have the tendency to binge on all the things we "couldn't" have during that time. Since we've had time to alter (not even close to perfect) our Paleo aspirations, we have settled into more of a routine for the typical week. Mostly meats and veggies for lunch and dinner, eggs and fruit for breakfast, but we'll still have the occasional rice or tortilla with dinner. I will
always indulge in ice cream after a few day.
Zach is getting back on the healthy bandwagon, so we are doing 30 days of Paleo to reset the button. It is so much easier if your friends/family/significant other joins you in your attempt to get healthy. If I am eating grilled chicken and asparagus and Zach walks in with a queso burrito, I'll ditch my bird and go halvsies on a horribly delicious meal. When he is eating the grilled goodies with me, I have an easier time stomaching it.
That all being said, we aren't going to be able to do 100% Paleo 100% of the time. Perfection is not a realistic goal for us.
I am going to cheat a little this weekend during College World Series. (My only cheating during CWS through 3 shifts was 2 cookies and a couple sodas: no ice cream, no hot dogs, no pretzels.) I am going to have some wine with dinner occasionally. I won't refuse to eat with my family if they are going to somewhere that isn't the most paleo conducive. I will absolutely have ice cream; I'll just try and limit the amount and frequency.
Just like my training, it's going to be a work in progress. I'm going to have cravings for less-than-ideal food or will have a craving to cook less and throw something on a tortilla. I will have to choose, at every meal, that eating correctly is beneficial to my body for so many reasons. Those benefits, by far, outweigh my desire for a quick, sugary fix. (See the
Whole9's guide to
off-roading.) I am going to try to be 90% Paleo from now until the Regional competition next year.
We are 12 days in and I'm feeling great! Here's hoping the next year goes as smoothly as the first 2 weeks.