Wednesday, September 5, 2012


So I'm occasionally forgetful about posting. That's not true, I think about posting a lot. That damn life of mine keeps getting in the way, though. Between having 1 job, accepting another, having a demanding family life, and trying to keep in touch with friends, working out and posting on a blog are falling to the wayside. Silly life. Why doesn't it understand that my T2B aren't just magically going to get better?! :) 

This month has been all about being complacent and that's not a good place to be. I have not really had the desire to spend my time in the gym. I definitely have not been putting forth as much effort as is needed if I want to compete; that was very much brought to light at the Cornhusker State Games and the Fittest of the Falls competitions. I am no where near where I like to think that I am. However, I am also losing a lot of steam because I'm not there yet. I know I need to go to the gym to get better, but not getting all that much better makes it really hard to get into the gym. Stupid Catch 22. 

I'll do my best to play catch up for August.

Press x3 @80
Squat x3 @175

some squat variation
played with butterfly pullups

Squat Cleans: 85 3x2, 90 1x2, 95 1x2, 105 2x2, 105 3x1, 90 2x2
8 Min AMRAP: 8 MB Clean Wallball (16), 6 DL (155), 4 Burpees - 5 rds + 8

Squat x3 - 180
Deadlift x3 - 220
Press x3 - 80

8 Rds, 30 sec for 1 partner, 30 seconds 2 partner, switch
Mountain Climbers, Hang Power Cleans (65), Double Unders, T2B - 115, 118, 99, 106, 109, 117, 106, 112 - was SUPER sore for a few days

EMOTM 2 snatches @ 85% (73#), rest 2 min, 1 rep at 95% (88#) - felt crappy
EMOTM 2 C&J @ 85% (103), rest 2 min, 1 rep at 96.5% (123) - felt awesome
12 min AMRAP: 50 DU, 7 burpees, 50 DU, 14 burpees, ... - 3 rds + 76 reps

3 rep clean - 130 (PR)
1 push jerk, 1 behind the neck split jerk - 95
75 front squats with bar - 3:46

8/25 Partner WODS in Sioux Falls
1) Bear Complex - 125# (PR)
2) 15 front squat, 15 t2b, 12 front squat, 12 t2b, 9, 9,... Finished rd of 9 in 10 min
3) 1500 m row, 150 DU, 30 HSPU - finished 16 hspu (I only got 3, but whatevs. I just got done rowing a 1000m)

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