One of the reasons I am happy that I started my Crossfit career at
Crossfit Omaha is because they instill the importance of quality of movement in every single one of their athletes*. (*this does not mean that every athlete at CFO doesn't cheat the movement, but at least they
know they are cheating when they do it.) They do this to make sure their athletes are safe when they start moving up in weights. When I started there, they would call my @ss out if my chest didn't touch the floor on a push up or my hips were above parallel on a squat. Ricky, Joe, and team will no rep anyone - case in point, at the Games last year, Joe no repped Annie T during a workout. 99% of the time, they put
quality of movement worlds ahead of
I am so incredibly thankful for that mentality a majority of the time. Occasionally, I really wish I could count a wallball that didn't quite clear 10ft or I could count my HSPU to an abmat as a strict HSPU. It's not a real rep. I know this, I just sometimes don't like admitting it. While I love the 402 community, not everyone is honest with their reps and it drives me BATTY! A jerk is not counted unless the elbows and hips are all the way locked out above the head; a pull up isn't a pull up if your chin isn't above the bar with your head in the neutral position. The thing I have to keep reminding myself, though, is that (most of) these athletes at 402 aren't at the gym for competition. They are there to better their fitness and, in turn, their quality of life. In the grand scheme of things, incomplete ROM isn't the enemy. The enemy is being sedentary and they have already beaten that by showing up at the gym ready to take on whatever Mike throws at them.
I will continue to hold myself to the competition standard while doing workouts at any gym. I will do my best not to get comfortable with anything less. I will sacrifice 1 extra rep while training to make sure my form is perfect. I am fully counting on my trainer to help me with that.
Anywho, I have started my new strength program and I'm not 100% sold on it. It's a lot of volume with huge jumps in weight that I'm not used to. I know I need to gain the strength but I'm not sure I want to be squatting 3 days a week.
Here is the breakdown of my last few workouts. I will make a better effort of noting my non-strength day metcons on here, because I'm bad at remembering them.
Squat: 3x5 @ 140
Press: 3x5 @75
DL: 1x5 @190
Fran: 7:50?
Squat: 3x5 @ 140
Bench: 3x5 @75
5 rds: 10 push jerks (73#), 20 HR pushups, 2 rope climbs, 200m run - 21:14 = sucky!
Squat: 3x5 @115
Press: 3x5 @ 60
Power Clean: 5x3 @90
OHS: 113 (5#PR)
Clean & Jerk: 128 (5# PR)
Snatch: 93 (tied PR)
Squat: 3x5 @ 135
Press: 5x3 @ 65
Jackie: 11:05ish - kicked my ass.
Squat: 3x5 @140
Bench: 3x5 @75
Power Clean: up to 113x3