Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Training for 2013

I was lucky enough to stumble in to Crossfit402 towards the end of 2011. Mike Brownfield is a great trainer and I knew I would fit in there well enough. The plan was to do Olympic lifts there a few times a month so I didn't lose that ability when I started doing easy metcons at Aspen Fitness and running with our new puppy in the mornings. I thought I burnt out with Crossfit: the hierarchy, the crazy heavy WODs, and the drama. I have since found out, I was just at the wrong gym.

402 is a great little community of athletes, solely there to make their lives a little healthier. Not many of them will ever see Regionals, let alone the Games. Not one person cares. They may not do main site WODs prescribed or be featured in commercials, but they have fun. That is the basis of all great gyms. That is why I stuck around.  I have fun when I am at that gym. It doesn't matter if/when I am the only girl at an Oly class, the guys treat me as an equal. They cheer just as loud for my 88# as they do for someone else's 188#. It's an atmosphere that promotes personal growth for everyone, not just a select few.

During one of my classes, Mike asked me if I wanted to start training for next year's Open, Regionals, and Games. It took a lot of thought. There are a lot of things I saw myself doing in the next 12 months, not that Crossfit alone will hinder any of those plans. I decided, however, that is was worth a shot; the worst that could happen is I end up in better shape than I am now. We sat down to discuss goals and strategies and worked out a plan. Although this is never where I imagined I would be this stage in my life, I am really excited to see where it takes me.

During the next year (or so), I will be posting on this blog. I want to have documentation that I truly put in 100% effort. I've tried training for regionals before, and ended up giving up about 1 month prior to the competition. I am going to give this my all. I have been around the Crossfit world for long enough that I know I have a long way to go, my strength especially. I have yet to decide if knowing that is a good thing or a bad thing. Either way, I have goals set and will do everything I can to achieve them.

So, sit back, read, and enjoy (and probably judge too).

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