I already know what my weaknesses are (gymnastics movements); I just need to nut up and work at them. I feel as though my coach knowing my less than stellar movements will help me because he won't let me not do them. I don't like L sits and so I avoided them like the plague. One of my first workouts with him included L sits. I want a muscle up and that will never happen if I don't get stronger or attempt. I haven't tried (and failed) to get a MU in well over a year. I am fairly certain I'll see muscle up progression in an upcoming workout.
This is just giving me more room for improvement...right?
Week 2
- Press: up to 5x3 at 60#
- Assistance Work: Parellette Pushups 3x8, KB Bent Row: 3x6 with 1 pood KB
- Conditioning: 3 rds: 30 1 pood swings in 1 minute, rest 1 minute.
- Oly: Hang Power Snatch: 4x6 @63#
- Conditioning: AMRAP 7 minutes: 1 rope climb, 15 unbroken wallballs - 4 rds
Wednesday at Aspen, not 402:
- Deadlift: *did it wrong but* 5x3 @175
- Conditioning:
- 3x15 seated box jumps from 20" box to 24" box, rest 45 seconds between. Rest 2 minutes. 200 Double unders then 2 minutes to find 1RM Jerk - 113. I failed at 123. (sad face)
- Mini-Cindy: 10 min AMRAP: 5 pullups, 10 hand release pushups, 15 squats - 6 rds + 4 pullups
- Mobility: a lot
- Squat: 5x3 @125
- Bench: 5x3 @ 73
- Assistance Work: RDL 3x10 @93#, 2x40 situps, 20 hollow rocks, HSPU Negatives, Shrugs 3x10 @93, Banded Shoulder External Rotation 3x10 with purple band
This last week really kicked my ass. I (easily) convinced myself to not go to 6:30am class on Wednesday; this morning was very difficult to muster the strength to roll out of bed. Regardless of my willingness, I still did the lifts I was scheduled to do. Part of my lack of desire to go may have to do with how heavy these weights feel and how sore I have been the last 2 weeks. I know that these things will pass, but it's a hard sell at this point. I don't have more energy, I am not moving more weight, I don't look better in jeans. Moral of the story: I have to work to get what I want. It is not going to be handed to me. There are going to be a lot of temptations. It is going to take a long time. In the end, though, I will see the results and get to the point I am expecting myself to go. End of story.
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