Friday, June 22, 2012

Just keep lifting, just keep lifting...

I have really enjoyed the first 8 weeks of strength. I needed to put forth a legitimate effort and truly try to gain strength. I did Crossfit for a long time hoping to get stronger, but I never actually tried. I get really scared when there is a lot of weight on the bar; I get anxious as soon as I see what the WOD is; I convince myself I can't do it before I even attempt. My goal for the previous 8 weeks has been to change that, to some extent. I still get nervous before a workout, but I don't talk myself out of it. I use that anxiety and turn it into motivation. I decide I want to prove I can move that weight, get 1 more rep, etc. I am still working on not talking myself out of a lift before I attempt it, though. I really don't like to fail and going for a new PR is scary.

The next strength cycle is going to kick my ass and truly bring to light my weaknesses. I will have to decide, every day, that this is something I want to do. I am doing this for me; it's a choice I have made and continue to make every time I step foot in the gym. I want to bring my weaknesses to the forefront so I can make them strengths. I want to give my self something new to strive for.

It sucks that the new strength cycle started on one of my lowest weeks. I am not sure why, but all of a sudden, I was lethargic, angry, and disappointed in myself. Light weight felt super heavy and I convinced myself often not to go to the gym. I am letting the ugly voices in my head talk me out of things I know I can do.

Then, I read an article, What Will You Do Today, by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig and it was exactly what I needed to see. I need to stop all the negative talk that's in my brain; I need to reassure myself that my goals are MY goals. My goals are not based off of what anyone else can do, but they are based solely on becoming stronger, faster, better than I was yesterday. This is going to take as much, if not more, effort than getting my ass to the gym, but I need to learn to think about myself in a positive light. To start myself off on the right foot: I got a PR on Fran today! It wasn't exactly how I thought I'd do, but a PR is a PR and I am damn happy about that. It's a great start to my new mindset and the weekend.

Happy Friday!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Why I Eat the Way I Eat

Since I started Crossfit a few years ago, there have been a couple different types of "meal plans" that are suggested to crossfitters. The first one I tried was Zone. That is having a specific quantity of food, but the quality didn't matter. I lost weight while doing this, but I think it's because I wasn't eating enough. I'd pick a cookie (2 blocks) over 4 cups of broccoli (1 block) and be satisfied for a short while. However, as knowledge about food and it's effects on the body progressed, the views on what is healthy has progressed as well.

That's when I found Paleo. (If you haven't heard of Paleo, do research now!) Although not at all regularly or very strict, Zach and I have been doing Paleo for a while now. Paleo is all about the quality of food you eat; the only guideline is to eat real food. Eat meat that used to have a face, eat veggies or fruit you could harvest yourself, enjoy eating healthy fats. It's not at all a diet; it is a way of life. Do active things, eat well, sleep. We've done a few installs of 30 days of strict paleo; however, we have found that after those 30 days, we have the tendency to binge on all the things we "couldn't" have during that time. Since we've had time to alter (not even close to perfect) our Paleo aspirations, we have settled into more of a routine for the typical week. Mostly meats and veggies for lunch and dinner, eggs and fruit for breakfast, but we'll still have the occasional rice or tortilla with dinner. I will always indulge in ice cream after a few day.

Zach is getting back on the healthy bandwagon, so we are doing 30 days of Paleo to reset the button. It is so much easier if your friends/family/significant other joins you in your attempt to get healthy. If I am eating grilled chicken and asparagus and Zach walks in with a queso burrito, I'll ditch my bird and go halvsies on a horribly delicious meal. When he is eating the grilled goodies with me, I have an easier time stomaching it.

That all being said, we aren't going to be able to do 100% Paleo 100% of the time. Perfection is not a realistic goal for us. I am going to cheat a little this weekend during College World Series.  (My only cheating during CWS through 3 shifts was 2 cookies and a couple sodas: no ice cream, no hot dogs, no pretzels.) I am going to have some wine with dinner occasionally. I won't refuse to eat with my family if they are going to somewhere that isn't the most paleo conducive. I will absolutely have ice cream; I'll just try and limit the amount and frequency.

Just like my training, it's going to be a work in progress. I'm going to have cravings for less-than-ideal food or will have a craving to cook less and throw something on a tortilla. I will have to choose, at every meal, that eating correctly is beneficial to my body for so many reasons. Those benefits, by far, outweigh my desire for a quick, sugary fix. (See the Whole9's guide to off-roading.) I am going to try to be 90% Paleo from now until the Regional competition next year.

We are 12 days in and I'm feeling great! Here's hoping the next year goes as smoothly as the first 2 weeks.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I am not sure why, but I expected for life not to get in the way of my training at all. I anticipated smooth sailing and all my friends and family to fall in line. I was wrong. Life does get in the way. A lot. If I was single, socially awkward, and unemployed, I would have a lot more time for training. I am not any of those things - at least not more socially awkward than anyone else in my family.

Ideally, my week would be perfectly scheduled and I would have ample time for training, spending time with my family, and have time to hang out with friends. HA! That lasted about 1 week. Then, 1 morning I didn't want to wake up. That shifted an entire week's schedule, which includes cooking dinner 4 nights a week. Then, we go out to dinner with my dad and I'm trying to squeeze a 2 hour training session into 1 hour. I got tired and my workouts suffered. 

I have decided to shift my schedule and allow myself more leeway in training. I am going to workout Monday through Thursday and Saturday. If I don't get into the gym in the morning, I'll make a slightly easier dinner that night that won't take as long. I am lucky to have a husband that will help with the cooking (or finding take out) when I am running behind or too sore or tired to stand in the kitchen even to warm something up. 

2 weeks ago, life got in the way. My husband and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary and I did nothing in a gym to celebrate. Last week, I am went on a family vacation. This week, I was sick and then I am going to Iowa for a family party. The following few weeks are the College World Series and I will be exhausted from working 12 hour shifts at a restaurant near by. My family will always come first, regardless of how well my conditioning is going. It's going to be a lot of work and I will have to decide how dedicated I really want to be. 

Week 6

  • Press: 65x3
  • Conditioning: 
  • Assistance: band bicep curls, dips

  •  can't remember. 
  • Deadlift: up to 5@170
  • Assistance work: gh raises, split squat
  • Conditioning: 200 m sprint x8: avg time - 42sec
  • Conditioning: 6 min AMRAP: 5 supinated ring pulls, 7 75# SDHP, 5 burpee box jump, 1 min rest, 3 min AMRAP, 1 min rest, 6 min AMRAP - 150 reps (wrecked my knee for a couple days on a failed box jump)
Friday through Monday: 
  • Unscheduled rest days. 
  • Squat and bench: wrong #'s
Week 7

  • Press: 45x15
  • Oly: 83# clean x3, 93# jerk x2
  • Conditioning: 500 m row, then 3 rds: 20 dips, 50 DU, then row 500 14:50ish

  • Deadlift: 125x15 
  • Assistance: band bicep curls, dips
Thursday through Tuesday: 
  • Unscheduled rest days. Vacation + sick = no gym time.