Thursday, January 3, 2013


Today, I very easily could have decided to use the excuses in front of me to not work out. However, I would feel like a fraud not working out after saying I wanted to be healthier 2 days ago. I didn't get to 402 because I was too far east too close to 5pm class. I didn't go to Aspen right at 5 because on January 3rd, there would have been 1,027 people there. So, ZR and I had dinner and began watching the Fiesta Bowl. I then decided instead of sitting on the couch for the rest of the night, I would go get a work out in. Now that I have worked out, I feel much better about myself.

Breakfast - eggs, 1/2 banana
Supplements - fish oil, vit D, daily vitamin
Lunch - chicken breast, guac, carrots
Snack - green tea, cashews
Dinner - pulled pork, risotto

EMOTM for 10min - 1 hang power clean + 1 clean - 105#
3 rds: 35 squats, 25 sit ups - 5:55

This turned our a little blurry. Walking Coco in the morning is one of my favorite times of day: it is quiet, I get to plan out my day, and my puppy is super awesome. I do enjoy the weekends, though, when I don't have to take her out at the crack of dawn. :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


It's hard to believe it's 2013. There are so many things I was hoping to have done in my life by now. I've been able to check a few off the list, but there are still things I am striving for. I suppose that is what life is all about though, right? Always striving for more, one day at a time.

Breakfast - oatmeal with blueberries, cinnamon, and honey
Supplements - fish oil, vitamin D, and a women's daily
Lunch - pulled pork, cauliflower, cashews
Dinner - sushi

5 rds - 5 pull ups (started as strict, moved to kipping), 7 hang power snatches (55#), 9 barbell lunges (front rack) - 12:17

Picture: playing on Pintrest while watching a bowl game with my hubby after a delicious sushi dinner. This is a much better start to 2013!


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Life Happens

It's funny how much can change in a few months. I was just talking to ZR about Crossfit and I realized something. I'm no longer driven to train. It's not that I'm nervous about not qualifying or that I'm scared of the weights I'm lifting. It is legitimately that I don't care. The priorities in my little world are a changin and Crossfit just doesn't seem to be at the top of any lists...

That being said, I am going to try to get back into going on a regular basis. I've made 2 resolutions, even though I hate those words. I am going to make 2013 a healthier year for me in all aspects. I am going to workout more; I am going to eat better; I am generally going to take better care of myself. The second one is taking a picture a day. I want to be able to remember more of the little things that happen over the course of a year. I hope that this will help me appreciate the things I have more.

This will become my forum to post what I eat, what workout I do, and the picture I take. Without further adieu:

Lunch: 1/2 can of chicken broth
Snack: 1 mini bag of cashews
Dinner: 1/2 can of chicken broth

Workout: HA! I could barely get off the couch in time to vom, let alone getting a workout in.

Picture: Today, I felt worse than I have in a really long time. This is the majority of what I consumed today, along with some Pedialyte. Hopefully, today isn't a predictor of how this year will be.