Thursday, August 2, 2012

Catch Up

Workouts Since 7/12:
This is a rough estimate; I did do more workouts since, but can't remember. Today starts the beginning of writing down my workouts. Maybe I will if I buy a cute little notebook... I'll probably still forget or lose the notebook. I'm bad at that kind of thing. Shoot, today is also the day I stop making excuses.

5 Rds - 8 SDHP (75#), 10 renegade rows (baby kb), 12 lateral stick jumps, 20 sit ups - 9:35

Front Squat: 3x5 @135

Back Squat: 3x5 @160
Bench Press: 3x5 @85

Light weight cleans and snatches

Back Squat: 3x5 @165
Press: 5x3 @75

Hang Clean: 1 rep @ 145* (10# PR)
Team WOD: 8 rds - 4 HSPU, 8 box jumps, 12 wall balls, 6 stone to shoulder, stone carry
*I cleaned 155#, but couldn't stand up with it - need to work on front squats.*

Back Squat: 2.5x5 @170 (5# PR)
Bench Press: up to 90x5
Power Snatch: 5x3 @68
Played around with butterfly pullups - they are getting there.