Thursday, January 3, 2013


Today, I very easily could have decided to use the excuses in front of me to not work out. However, I would feel like a fraud not working out after saying I wanted to be healthier 2 days ago. I didn't get to 402 because I was too far east too close to 5pm class. I didn't go to Aspen right at 5 because on January 3rd, there would have been 1,027 people there. So, ZR and I had dinner and began watching the Fiesta Bowl. I then decided instead of sitting on the couch for the rest of the night, I would go get a work out in. Now that I have worked out, I feel much better about myself.

Breakfast - eggs, 1/2 banana
Supplements - fish oil, vit D, daily vitamin
Lunch - chicken breast, guac, carrots
Snack - green tea, cashews
Dinner - pulled pork, risotto

EMOTM for 10min - 1 hang power clean + 1 clean - 105#
3 rds: 35 squats, 25 sit ups - 5:55

This turned our a little blurry. Walking Coco in the morning is one of my favorite times of day: it is quiet, I get to plan out my day, and my puppy is super awesome. I do enjoy the weekends, though, when I don't have to take her out at the crack of dawn. :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


It's hard to believe it's 2013. There are so many things I was hoping to have done in my life by now. I've been able to check a few off the list, but there are still things I am striving for. I suppose that is what life is all about though, right? Always striving for more, one day at a time.

Breakfast - oatmeal with blueberries, cinnamon, and honey
Supplements - fish oil, vitamin D, and a women's daily
Lunch - pulled pork, cauliflower, cashews
Dinner - sushi

5 rds - 5 pull ups (started as strict, moved to kipping), 7 hang power snatches (55#), 9 barbell lunges (front rack) - 12:17

Picture: playing on Pintrest while watching a bowl game with my hubby after a delicious sushi dinner. This is a much better start to 2013!


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Life Happens

It's funny how much can change in a few months. I was just talking to ZR about Crossfit and I realized something. I'm no longer driven to train. It's not that I'm nervous about not qualifying or that I'm scared of the weights I'm lifting. It is legitimately that I don't care. The priorities in my little world are a changin and Crossfit just doesn't seem to be at the top of any lists...

That being said, I am going to try to get back into going on a regular basis. I've made 2 resolutions, even though I hate those words. I am going to make 2013 a healthier year for me in all aspects. I am going to workout more; I am going to eat better; I am generally going to take better care of myself. The second one is taking a picture a day. I want to be able to remember more of the little things that happen over the course of a year. I hope that this will help me appreciate the things I have more.

This will become my forum to post what I eat, what workout I do, and the picture I take. Without further adieu:

Lunch: 1/2 can of chicken broth
Snack: 1 mini bag of cashews
Dinner: 1/2 can of chicken broth

Workout: HA! I could barely get off the couch in time to vom, let alone getting a workout in.

Picture: Today, I felt worse than I have in a really long time. This is the majority of what I consumed today, along with some Pedialyte. Hopefully, today isn't a predictor of how this year will be.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


So I'm occasionally forgetful about posting. That's not true, I think about posting a lot. That damn life of mine keeps getting in the way, though. Between having 1 job, accepting another, having a demanding family life, and trying to keep in touch with friends, working out and posting on a blog are falling to the wayside. Silly life. Why doesn't it understand that my T2B aren't just magically going to get better?! :) 

This month has been all about being complacent and that's not a good place to be. I have not really had the desire to spend my time in the gym. I definitely have not been putting forth as much effort as is needed if I want to compete; that was very much brought to light at the Cornhusker State Games and the Fittest of the Falls competitions. I am no where near where I like to think that I am. However, I am also losing a lot of steam because I'm not there yet. I know I need to go to the gym to get better, but not getting all that much better makes it really hard to get into the gym. Stupid Catch 22. 

I'll do my best to play catch up for August.

Press x3 @80
Squat x3 @175

some squat variation
played with butterfly pullups

Squat Cleans: 85 3x2, 90 1x2, 95 1x2, 105 2x2, 105 3x1, 90 2x2
8 Min AMRAP: 8 MB Clean Wallball (16), 6 DL (155), 4 Burpees - 5 rds + 8

Squat x3 - 180
Deadlift x3 - 220
Press x3 - 80

8 Rds, 30 sec for 1 partner, 30 seconds 2 partner, switch
Mountain Climbers, Hang Power Cleans (65), Double Unders, T2B - 115, 118, 99, 106, 109, 117, 106, 112 - was SUPER sore for a few days

EMOTM 2 snatches @ 85% (73#), rest 2 min, 1 rep at 95% (88#) - felt crappy
EMOTM 2 C&J @ 85% (103), rest 2 min, 1 rep at 96.5% (123) - felt awesome
12 min AMRAP: 50 DU, 7 burpees, 50 DU, 14 burpees, ... - 3 rds + 76 reps

3 rep clean - 130 (PR)
1 push jerk, 1 behind the neck split jerk - 95
75 front squats with bar - 3:46

8/25 Partner WODS in Sioux Falls
1) Bear Complex - 125# (PR)
2) 15 front squat, 15 t2b, 12 front squat, 12 t2b, 9, 9,... Finished rd of 9 in 10 min
3) 1500 m row, 150 DU, 30 HSPU - finished 16 hspu (I only got 3, but whatevs. I just got done rowing a 1000m)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Catch Up

Workouts Since 7/12:
This is a rough estimate; I did do more workouts since, but can't remember. Today starts the beginning of writing down my workouts. Maybe I will if I buy a cute little notebook... I'll probably still forget or lose the notebook. I'm bad at that kind of thing. Shoot, today is also the day I stop making excuses.

5 Rds - 8 SDHP (75#), 10 renegade rows (baby kb), 12 lateral stick jumps, 20 sit ups - 9:35

Front Squat: 3x5 @135

Back Squat: 3x5 @160
Bench Press: 3x5 @85

Light weight cleans and snatches

Back Squat: 3x5 @165
Press: 5x3 @75

Hang Clean: 1 rep @ 145* (10# PR)
Team WOD: 8 rds - 4 HSPU, 8 box jumps, 12 wall balls, 6 stone to shoulder, stone carry
*I cleaned 155#, but couldn't stand up with it - need to work on front squats.*

Back Squat: 2.5x5 @170 (5# PR)
Bench Press: up to 90x5
Power Snatch: 5x3 @68
Played around with butterfly pullups - they are getting there.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Absence Makes the Back Grow Stronger?

I have not been as dedicated to my posting over the last 2 weeks. Unfortunately, after I hurt my back a couple weeks ago, I haven't worked out much. I've played around with some movements and done light squats, but that's about it. My back is one of my most valued body parts, so I decided to use a longer time off to let it heal. I'm happy to say I feel like it is back to about 98%. It is no longer noticeable during workouts, so I'd say I'm good to go. 

This week, I was able to back squat 157.5#x5 (I forgot the other 2.5# plate to make it 160.) That is more than I've been able to lift ever and I'm super pumped. While my back was acting up, I spent a lot of time figuring out a new grip on the bar; I'm now in a hybrid between low and high bar back squat. My upper back is more tight since my hands are closer, but I didn't lose the power of the low bar. I really like where my squat is right now. I am very excited to see how far I can get on this new strength program. I'm certain my press and bench are better than ever also, I just care a lot less about those. 

Later this week, I'll post all my workouts. I'm also going to start trying to put some of the Paleish meals I make on here (pictures included). 

That's all I have for now. Happy Hump Day!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Strong vs. Skinny

This has been, and will continue to be, a struggle for me while trying to get stronger. Never, ever in my life have I wanted to look like the chick on the right, but I have always wanted to have the abs of the woman on the left. She is amazing and I am jealous. I understand that while lifting semi-heavy things on a regular basis, my met-con ability will diminish. I understand that I am not supposed to be killing metcons right now so that I can move heavier things. I understand that I would rather be strong than skinny. I understand that being more lean requires a lot more dedication to the food I put in my body. BUT I want to be effortlessly skinny. I want to be able to put on any outfit (workout or otherwise) and know my body looks good. I want to be able to walk around the pool/lake/beach in my swimsuit and not think other people are laughing at my muffin top. 

I don't know how to flip that switch. I get that there is a difference between wanting something and working your ass off (literally) for it. I just don't know what I need to do to convince myself to work for it. I start 30 days of Paleo and then break on day 13 because I want ice cream or my mom is making a very nonPaleo dinner or I don't feel like cooking for the 13th day in a row. I workout for a few weeks and then I need a week or 2 of being lazy. I start to feel confident after a few good days of lifting, then bottom out because I can't get a new snatch PR.

I am not necessarily trying to flip the switch to strive to be more like anyone else; rather, I am trying to flip the switch to be confident in my own skin, to be proud of the work I've done to get MY body. I'm never going to have Stacie Tovar legs or Jenny LaBaw arms. My legs and arms will do just fine and will still be able to move big weights...once I get stronger.

The current strength cycle that was tailored to me is hard. Squats come up often and are heavy. I only get to do power cleans (my fave) once every 2 weeks. Luckily, I'm doing this cycle with another woman who has way more responsibility at home (3 kids) and she is going through the same craziness I am. She is struggling with different issues, but they are all under the same umbrella; she is worried about getting "bulky." I am very thankful that I have her on my team so I can chat/rant/babble with her about the stressors/failures/successes.

Like I said, this will continue to be a struggle for me. If I put my mind to it, I can get more lean. However, that's not my goal right now. I don't really want to put on extra weight either, but I will if it means I can get a body weight clean and jerk or a strict HSPU. :)

Squat : 3x5 @ 145
Press: 5x3 @ 70

A) 5 min AMRAP: 1 DL (155), 1 HSPU, 2 DL, 2 HSPU... - 10 reps. (FIRST EVER WOD WITH HSPU!!)
B) 7 rds: 30 DU, 15 WallBalls (14#, 10' target) - 14:41

Squat: 3x5 @150
Bench: 3x5 @80

7/9 - hurt my back doing something wonky
Squat: 3x5 @155
Press: 5x3 @75
Deadlift: 1x5 @180

7/10,12 - back recovery days

Bench: 3x5 @85
Tried to squat, but my back wasn't having it.