Wednesday, September 5, 2012


So I'm occasionally forgetful about posting. That's not true, I think about posting a lot. That damn life of mine keeps getting in the way, though. Between having 1 job, accepting another, having a demanding family life, and trying to keep in touch with friends, working out and posting on a blog are falling to the wayside. Silly life. Why doesn't it understand that my T2B aren't just magically going to get better?! :) 

This month has been all about being complacent and that's not a good place to be. I have not really had the desire to spend my time in the gym. I definitely have not been putting forth as much effort as is needed if I want to compete; that was very much brought to light at the Cornhusker State Games and the Fittest of the Falls competitions. I am no where near where I like to think that I am. However, I am also losing a lot of steam because I'm not there yet. I know I need to go to the gym to get better, but not getting all that much better makes it really hard to get into the gym. Stupid Catch 22. 

I'll do my best to play catch up for August.

Press x3 @80
Squat x3 @175

some squat variation
played with butterfly pullups

Squat Cleans: 85 3x2, 90 1x2, 95 1x2, 105 2x2, 105 3x1, 90 2x2
8 Min AMRAP: 8 MB Clean Wallball (16), 6 DL (155), 4 Burpees - 5 rds + 8

Squat x3 - 180
Deadlift x3 - 220
Press x3 - 80

8 Rds, 30 sec for 1 partner, 30 seconds 2 partner, switch
Mountain Climbers, Hang Power Cleans (65), Double Unders, T2B - 115, 118, 99, 106, 109, 117, 106, 112 - was SUPER sore for a few days

EMOTM 2 snatches @ 85% (73#), rest 2 min, 1 rep at 95% (88#) - felt crappy
EMOTM 2 C&J @ 85% (103), rest 2 min, 1 rep at 96.5% (123) - felt awesome
12 min AMRAP: 50 DU, 7 burpees, 50 DU, 14 burpees, ... - 3 rds + 76 reps

3 rep clean - 130 (PR)
1 push jerk, 1 behind the neck split jerk - 95
75 front squats with bar - 3:46

8/25 Partner WODS in Sioux Falls
1) Bear Complex - 125# (PR)
2) 15 front squat, 15 t2b, 12 front squat, 12 t2b, 9, 9,... Finished rd of 9 in 10 min
3) 1500 m row, 150 DU, 30 HSPU - finished 16 hspu (I only got 3, but whatevs. I just got done rowing a 1000m)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Catch Up

Workouts Since 7/12:
This is a rough estimate; I did do more workouts since, but can't remember. Today starts the beginning of writing down my workouts. Maybe I will if I buy a cute little notebook... I'll probably still forget or lose the notebook. I'm bad at that kind of thing. Shoot, today is also the day I stop making excuses.

5 Rds - 8 SDHP (75#), 10 renegade rows (baby kb), 12 lateral stick jumps, 20 sit ups - 9:35

Front Squat: 3x5 @135

Back Squat: 3x5 @160
Bench Press: 3x5 @85

Light weight cleans and snatches

Back Squat: 3x5 @165
Press: 5x3 @75

Hang Clean: 1 rep @ 145* (10# PR)
Team WOD: 8 rds - 4 HSPU, 8 box jumps, 12 wall balls, 6 stone to shoulder, stone carry
*I cleaned 155#, but couldn't stand up with it - need to work on front squats.*

Back Squat: 2.5x5 @170 (5# PR)
Bench Press: up to 90x5
Power Snatch: 5x3 @68
Played around with butterfly pullups - they are getting there.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Absence Makes the Back Grow Stronger?

I have not been as dedicated to my posting over the last 2 weeks. Unfortunately, after I hurt my back a couple weeks ago, I haven't worked out much. I've played around with some movements and done light squats, but that's about it. My back is one of my most valued body parts, so I decided to use a longer time off to let it heal. I'm happy to say I feel like it is back to about 98%. It is no longer noticeable during workouts, so I'd say I'm good to go. 

This week, I was able to back squat 157.5#x5 (I forgot the other 2.5# plate to make it 160.) That is more than I've been able to lift ever and I'm super pumped. While my back was acting up, I spent a lot of time figuring out a new grip on the bar; I'm now in a hybrid between low and high bar back squat. My upper back is more tight since my hands are closer, but I didn't lose the power of the low bar. I really like where my squat is right now. I am very excited to see how far I can get on this new strength program. I'm certain my press and bench are better than ever also, I just care a lot less about those. 

Later this week, I'll post all my workouts. I'm also going to start trying to put some of the Paleish meals I make on here (pictures included). 

That's all I have for now. Happy Hump Day!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Strong vs. Skinny

This has been, and will continue to be, a struggle for me while trying to get stronger. Never, ever in my life have I wanted to look like the chick on the right, but I have always wanted to have the abs of the woman on the left. She is amazing and I am jealous. I understand that while lifting semi-heavy things on a regular basis, my met-con ability will diminish. I understand that I am not supposed to be killing metcons right now so that I can move heavier things. I understand that I would rather be strong than skinny. I understand that being more lean requires a lot more dedication to the food I put in my body. BUT I want to be effortlessly skinny. I want to be able to put on any outfit (workout or otherwise) and know my body looks good. I want to be able to walk around the pool/lake/beach in my swimsuit and not think other people are laughing at my muffin top. 

I don't know how to flip that switch. I get that there is a difference between wanting something and working your ass off (literally) for it. I just don't know what I need to do to convince myself to work for it. I start 30 days of Paleo and then break on day 13 because I want ice cream or my mom is making a very nonPaleo dinner or I don't feel like cooking for the 13th day in a row. I workout for a few weeks and then I need a week or 2 of being lazy. I start to feel confident after a few good days of lifting, then bottom out because I can't get a new snatch PR.

I am not necessarily trying to flip the switch to strive to be more like anyone else; rather, I am trying to flip the switch to be confident in my own skin, to be proud of the work I've done to get MY body. I'm never going to have Stacie Tovar legs or Jenny LaBaw arms. My legs and arms will do just fine and will still be able to move big weights...once I get stronger.

The current strength cycle that was tailored to me is hard. Squats come up often and are heavy. I only get to do power cleans (my fave) once every 2 weeks. Luckily, I'm doing this cycle with another woman who has way more responsibility at home (3 kids) and she is going through the same craziness I am. She is struggling with different issues, but they are all under the same umbrella; she is worried about getting "bulky." I am very thankful that I have her on my team so I can chat/rant/babble with her about the stressors/failures/successes.

Like I said, this will continue to be a struggle for me. If I put my mind to it, I can get more lean. However, that's not my goal right now. I don't really want to put on extra weight either, but I will if it means I can get a body weight clean and jerk or a strict HSPU. :)

Squat : 3x5 @ 145
Press: 5x3 @ 70

A) 5 min AMRAP: 1 DL (155), 1 HSPU, 2 DL, 2 HSPU... - 10 reps. (FIRST EVER WOD WITH HSPU!!)
B) 7 rds: 30 DU, 15 WallBalls (14#, 10' target) - 14:41

Squat: 3x5 @150
Bench: 3x5 @80

7/9 - hurt my back doing something wonky
Squat: 3x5 @155
Press: 5x3 @75
Deadlift: 1x5 @180

7/10,12 - back recovery days

Bench: 3x5 @85
Tried to squat, but my back wasn't having it. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater

One of the reasons I am happy that I started my Crossfit career at Crossfit Omaha is because they instill the importance of quality of movement in every single one of their athletes*. (*this does not mean that every athlete at CFO doesn't cheat the movement, but at least they know they are cheating when they do it.) They do this to make sure their athletes are safe when they start moving up in weights. When I started there, they would call my @ss out if my chest didn't touch the floor on a push up or my hips were above parallel on a squat. Ricky, Joe, and team will no rep anyone - case in point, at the Games last year, Joe no repped Annie T during a workout. 99% of the time, they put quality of movement worlds ahead of quantity.

I am so incredibly thankful for that mentality a majority of the time. Occasionally, I really wish I could count a wallball that didn't quite clear 10ft or I could count my HSPU to an abmat as a strict HSPU. It's not a real rep. I know this, I just sometimes don't like admitting it. While I love the 402 community, not everyone is honest with their reps and it drives me BATTY! A jerk is not counted unless the elbows and hips are all the way locked out above the head; a pull up isn't a pull up if your chin isn't above the bar with your head in the neutral position. The thing I have to keep reminding myself, though, is that (most of) these athletes at 402 aren't at the gym for competition. They are there to better their fitness and, in turn, their quality of life. In the grand scheme of things, incomplete ROM isn't the enemy. The enemy is being sedentary and they have already beaten that by showing up at the gym ready to take on whatever Mike throws at them.

However, I will continue to hold myself to the competition standard while doing workouts at any gym. I will do my best not to get comfortable with anything less. I will sacrifice 1 extra rep while training to make sure my form is perfect. I am fully counting on my trainer to help me with that. 

Anywho, I have started my new strength program and I'm not 100% sold on it. It's a lot of volume with huge jumps in weight that I'm not used to. I know I need to gain the strength but I'm not sure I want to be squatting 3 days a week.

Here is the breakdown of my last few workouts. I will make a better effort of noting my non-strength day metcons on here, because I'm bad at remembering them.

Squat: 3x5 @ 140
Press: 3x5 @75
DL: 1x5 @190

Fran: 7:50?

Squat: 3x5 @ 140
Bench: 3x5 @75

5 rds: 10 push jerks (73#), 20 HR pushups, 2 rope climbs, 200m run - 21:14 = sucky!

Squat: 3x5 @115
Press: 3x5 @ 60
Power Clean: 5x3 @90

OHS: 113 (5#PR)
Clean & Jerk: 128 (5# PR)
Snatch: 93 (tied PR)

Squat: 3x5 @ 135
Press: 5x3 @ 65

Jackie: 11:05ish - kicked my ass.

Squat: 3x5 @140
Bench: 3x5 @75
Power Clean: up to 113x3

Friday, June 22, 2012

Just keep lifting, just keep lifting...

I have really enjoyed the first 8 weeks of strength. I needed to put forth a legitimate effort and truly try to gain strength. I did Crossfit for a long time hoping to get stronger, but I never actually tried. I get really scared when there is a lot of weight on the bar; I get anxious as soon as I see what the WOD is; I convince myself I can't do it before I even attempt. My goal for the previous 8 weeks has been to change that, to some extent. I still get nervous before a workout, but I don't talk myself out of it. I use that anxiety and turn it into motivation. I decide I want to prove I can move that weight, get 1 more rep, etc. I am still working on not talking myself out of a lift before I attempt it, though. I really don't like to fail and going for a new PR is scary.

The next strength cycle is going to kick my ass and truly bring to light my weaknesses. I will have to decide, every day, that this is something I want to do. I am doing this for me; it's a choice I have made and continue to make every time I step foot in the gym. I want to bring my weaknesses to the forefront so I can make them strengths. I want to give my self something new to strive for.

It sucks that the new strength cycle started on one of my lowest weeks. I am not sure why, but all of a sudden, I was lethargic, angry, and disappointed in myself. Light weight felt super heavy and I convinced myself often not to go to the gym. I am letting the ugly voices in my head talk me out of things I know I can do.

Then, I read an article, What Will You Do Today, by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig and it was exactly what I needed to see. I need to stop all the negative talk that's in my brain; I need to reassure myself that my goals are MY goals. My goals are not based off of what anyone else can do, but they are based solely on becoming stronger, faster, better than I was yesterday. This is going to take as much, if not more, effort than getting my ass to the gym, but I need to learn to think about myself in a positive light. To start myself off on the right foot: I got a PR on Fran today! It wasn't exactly how I thought I'd do, but a PR is a PR and I am damn happy about that. It's a great start to my new mindset and the weekend.

Happy Friday!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Why I Eat the Way I Eat

Since I started Crossfit a few years ago, there have been a couple different types of "meal plans" that are suggested to crossfitters. The first one I tried was Zone. That is having a specific quantity of food, but the quality didn't matter. I lost weight while doing this, but I think it's because I wasn't eating enough. I'd pick a cookie (2 blocks) over 4 cups of broccoli (1 block) and be satisfied for a short while. However, as knowledge about food and it's effects on the body progressed, the views on what is healthy has progressed as well.

That's when I found Paleo. (If you haven't heard of Paleo, do research now!) Although not at all regularly or very strict, Zach and I have been doing Paleo for a while now. Paleo is all about the quality of food you eat; the only guideline is to eat real food. Eat meat that used to have a face, eat veggies or fruit you could harvest yourself, enjoy eating healthy fats. It's not at all a diet; it is a way of life. Do active things, eat well, sleep. We've done a few installs of 30 days of strict paleo; however, we have found that after those 30 days, we have the tendency to binge on all the things we "couldn't" have during that time. Since we've had time to alter (not even close to perfect) our Paleo aspirations, we have settled into more of a routine for the typical week. Mostly meats and veggies for lunch and dinner, eggs and fruit for breakfast, but we'll still have the occasional rice or tortilla with dinner. I will always indulge in ice cream after a few day.

Zach is getting back on the healthy bandwagon, so we are doing 30 days of Paleo to reset the button. It is so much easier if your friends/family/significant other joins you in your attempt to get healthy. If I am eating grilled chicken and asparagus and Zach walks in with a queso burrito, I'll ditch my bird and go halvsies on a horribly delicious meal. When he is eating the grilled goodies with me, I have an easier time stomaching it.

That all being said, we aren't going to be able to do 100% Paleo 100% of the time. Perfection is not a realistic goal for us. I am going to cheat a little this weekend during College World Series.  (My only cheating during CWS through 3 shifts was 2 cookies and a couple sodas: no ice cream, no hot dogs, no pretzels.) I am going to have some wine with dinner occasionally. I won't refuse to eat with my family if they are going to somewhere that isn't the most paleo conducive. I will absolutely have ice cream; I'll just try and limit the amount and frequency.

Just like my training, it's going to be a work in progress. I'm going to have cravings for less-than-ideal food or will have a craving to cook less and throw something on a tortilla. I will have to choose, at every meal, that eating correctly is beneficial to my body for so many reasons. Those benefits, by far, outweigh my desire for a quick, sugary fix. (See the Whole9's guide to off-roading.) I am going to try to be 90% Paleo from now until the Regional competition next year.

We are 12 days in and I'm feeling great! Here's hoping the next year goes as smoothly as the first 2 weeks.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I am not sure why, but I expected for life not to get in the way of my training at all. I anticipated smooth sailing and all my friends and family to fall in line. I was wrong. Life does get in the way. A lot. If I was single, socially awkward, and unemployed, I would have a lot more time for training. I am not any of those things - at least not more socially awkward than anyone else in my family.

Ideally, my week would be perfectly scheduled and I would have ample time for training, spending time with my family, and have time to hang out with friends. HA! That lasted about 1 week. Then, 1 morning I didn't want to wake up. That shifted an entire week's schedule, which includes cooking dinner 4 nights a week. Then, we go out to dinner with my dad and I'm trying to squeeze a 2 hour training session into 1 hour. I got tired and my workouts suffered. 

I have decided to shift my schedule and allow myself more leeway in training. I am going to workout Monday through Thursday and Saturday. If I don't get into the gym in the morning, I'll make a slightly easier dinner that night that won't take as long. I am lucky to have a husband that will help with the cooking (or finding take out) when I am running behind or too sore or tired to stand in the kitchen even to warm something up. 

2 weeks ago, life got in the way. My husband and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary and I did nothing in a gym to celebrate. Last week, I am went on a family vacation. This week, I was sick and then I am going to Iowa for a family party. The following few weeks are the College World Series and I will be exhausted from working 12 hour shifts at a restaurant near by. My family will always come first, regardless of how well my conditioning is going. It's going to be a lot of work and I will have to decide how dedicated I really want to be. 

Week 6

  • Press: 65x3
  • Conditioning: 
  • Assistance: band bicep curls, dips

  •  can't remember. 
  • Deadlift: up to 5@170
  • Assistance work: gh raises, split squat
  • Conditioning: 200 m sprint x8: avg time - 42sec
  • Conditioning: 6 min AMRAP: 5 supinated ring pulls, 7 75# SDHP, 5 burpee box jump, 1 min rest, 3 min AMRAP, 1 min rest, 6 min AMRAP - 150 reps (wrecked my knee for a couple days on a failed box jump)
Friday through Monday: 
  • Unscheduled rest days. 
  • Squat and bench: wrong #'s
Week 7

  • Press: 45x15
  • Oly: 83# clean x3, 93# jerk x2
  • Conditioning: 500 m row, then 3 rds: 20 dips, 50 DU, then row 500 14:50ish

  • Deadlift: 125x15 
  • Assistance: band bicep curls, dips
Thursday through Tuesday: 
  • Unscheduled rest days. Vacation + sick = no gym time. 

Monday, May 21, 2012


Goodness. I really, really wanted to be at the North Central Regionals in Chicago this last weekend. The Games website did not do a good job of keeping the less fortunate up-to-date. I want to know what is happening every second. I want to know who is competing on each team. I want to watch the elite athletes on their form. I want to criticize everything they do. (see, all encompassing.) Friday at work may have been a little less than productive because of the time I spent on Facebook to check updates from people there and the Games site. Whoops.

Week 5

  • Press: 3x5 @ 60#
  • Conditioning: Broken Karen - 6rds of 25 wallballs, 90 seconds rest - 18:38
  • Assistance: band bicep curls, ring dips

  • Oly: Snatch Balance 7x1 - 88#
  • Power: 3x10 seated box jumps -> 24" box
  • Deadlift: x5 up to 170#
  • Assistance work: forgot!
  • Conditioning: 8x200m sprints - Avg: 42 seconds
  • Conditioning: Recco (10, 9, 8...1) 73# push press and pullups - 11:40
  • Assistance: GH Raises, split squat
Friday and Saturday: 
  • Unscheduled rest day. 
  • Squat: 3x5 @ 125#
  • Bench: 3x5 @ 72

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

All Encompassing

It's funny how everything comes full circle. My husband started at CFO (when it was still out of UNO) a few months before I did, which was a few months after my sister started. It was like the two of them were instantly more bonded and spoke in some bizarre-o language that I couldn't understand. (What the hell is a "pood" and why anyone wanted to do anything called a "burpee.") I loathed hanging out with the two of them because I was certain they were going to talk about this workout they did and I kept thinking, "How awesome could it be?" Then, I started Crossfit (4+ years ago). I was completely obsessed with it; it was at the core of most of my conversations. I wanted to tell as many people as possible about how awesome of a sport it is and how it can do amazing things for your body and mind.

About 1 year into Crossfit, I realized not every single person I talked to cared about the amazing-ness that is CF. Although this was a surprising realization, I decided that it shouldn't be taking up 95% of my conversation topics and 100% of my thought process. (It may have been closer to 90% and 95%, I have to leave room for family and ZachR.) So, I backed off. Little did I know at the time, but backing off about thinking about Crossfit, at least in my world, meant backing off of Crossfit. I stopped going to the gym regularly; I didn't watch videos on efficient movements. I stopped being a part of the gym athletically - I still hosted/attended plenty a party.

Full circle: 6 weeks ago I was presented with an opportunity that I couldn't turn down: Training for the 2013 (or14) Open and hopefully Regionals. Crossfit has, once again, become all encompassing. It is all I think about. I wake up early most mornings to get a workout in before I go to work all day. I watch videos at work when it's slow. I read as many Journal articles as I can. I am as exposed to Crossfit as I can be right now. I talk to anyone that will listen about anything from PR's or crazy Regional workouts, from the athletes to the benefits of functional movements. I am seriously considering buying a plane ticket for Chicago this weekend to go watch Regionals. It surprised me how easily I could slide back into caring about how well I perform. It has once again taken over my world, and I am 100% alright with that. (I just hope my husband is on board. :) )

Week 4

  • Press: 1 + (6 reps) @ 68#
  • Conditioning: 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 of GHD Situps, Back Extensions, and DU - 4 sets of tabata for missed DU
  • Oly: Hang Power Clean: 4x8 @98# (75%)
  • Assistance: chin ups 3x2, tricep extensions with band

  • Birthday AMRAP: 1 beer, 1 burger, and ice cream for 1 baseball game. 
  • Deadlift: 1+ (8 reps) @ 175# (PR)
  • Assistance work: weighted step ups, 3x15 hollow rocks
  • Conditioning: The Chief - 16 rds+ 9 reps (PR)
  • Conditioning: 3 rds: 3 min work, 1 min rest of 12 2 tap (touch above head and below feet) situps, 9 16# wallballs, 6 hang power snatch (@55) = 7 rds + 5 reps
  • Mobility: a lot
  • Squat: 1+ (2 reps) @ 138 (ROUGH!)
  • Bench: 1+ (5 reps) @ 83
  • Assistance Work: RDL 5x4 @103#, 100 Mountain Climbers, HSPU Negatives 3x5, Shrugs 3x10 @103
This week started out really strong for me and then I crashed. I am not sure what did it, but by Friday I was done. Squats felt super heavy and I was extremely discouraged afterwards. However, I got through my first round of strength relatively unscathed, and with increasing the weight on a few lifts. Onward and upward...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Deload = Reload

My deload week could not have come at a better time. Not only was ZachR out of town all week leaving me with sole responsibly of our puppy, but I was wrecked both physically and mentally. I was tired and groggy most of the mornings I got to the gym (which was 5 of 6, btw). My body decided that I couldn't move a lot of weight, or move any weight quickly, for that matter. Mentally, I was exhausted and distraught; my lack of confidence lately has really been taking a toll on my training.

I think the thing that will hold me back the most in my pursuit of the Open/Regionals/Games will be my confidence level. I don't like trying something and not succeeding. I don't want to let people around me down. I am extremely competitive and truly get upset when someone calls time before me. I have a skewed body image (as do most women). I am not as strong/fast as I know I could/should be.

I was given an article to read recently that spoke all about how to increase your confidence as a Crossfitter. It had some pertinent information that I am trying to take to heart: fake it till you make it, befriend people better than you, never stop trying. Since my confidence level isn't through the roof, I have to act like I have all the confidence in the world. I have to approach every workout like I am going to kick it's ass. I need to walk with my head held tall at all times. Becoming friends with other competitors is brilliant advice; you can discuss workout strategies or struggles you both have had. Chances are, they have been nervous or apprehensive before as well. The last piece should be the most obvious, but it is the most difficult for me. I really like to give up on something if I don't think I can succeed. I have always been a fan of the easy way out; although, I absolutely turned a corner when I decided to train.

Week 3

  • Press: 15(+) @ 40#
  • Conditioning: 5 rds: 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest of T2B and burpee box jump over (20in) = 83
  • Oly: Hang Power Clean: 4x8 @83# (65%)
  • Conditioning: AMRAP 10 minutes: 3 ring rows, 3 ring dips (with blue band), 3 ring pushups - 7ish rds - I stopped counting after 2. 
  • Deadlift: 15 @ 105#
  • Assistance work: 3x10 pistols, 3x15 GHRaise
  • Conditioning: 5 rds: 45 sec work, 15 sec rest of 65# Overhead Squat (OHS), barbell rollouts, renegade rows = 167
  • Mobility: a lot
  • Squat: 15 @ 85
  • Bench: 15 @ 48
  • Assistance Work: RDL 3x12 @63#, GHD 2x20, HSPU Negatives 3x5, Shrugs 3x10 @63
  • Conditioning: Partner AMRAP 25 minutes: 15 box jumps (20"), 100m sprint, 15 power cleans (55#), 100 double unders, 15 double wall balls (16#), 100m sprint, 15 pullups - 4rds + 1st run. 
I don't usually go to Saturday morning workouts 1) because I don't want to drive all the way there on Saturdays too and 2) I workout Monday - Friday hard and get the weekend off. However, my sister just joined the gym and really wanted to work the vodka out of our system from Friday night so we went. She did more of the work than I did, but I think we broke it up rather well. She's fun to workout with because she is so much better than me that I just want to be like her.

This week really helped restore some of the confidence I had been lacking. In my brain, I know the weight was light, but I was happy that it felt light. I needed a few days that made me feel strong. I am more excited for this upcoming week where I get to do 1+ for my 4 lifts. 

Friday, April 27, 2012


I stumbled across this article yesterday that I posted on Facebook because I think the theme is on point. It is absolutely what I needed to read. I cannot become successful overnight. It is going to take a lot of work for me to get where I would like to be. The results are not going to come in 2 weeks, or probably even 4 or 8. It's going to take everything I have to improve my standing and strength. It's going to take early morning wake up calls, long hours at the gym, doing things/movements that frustrate me, and time spent stretching and improving mobility.

I already know what my weaknesses are (gymnastics movements); I just need to nut up and work at them. I feel as though my coach knowing my less than stellar movements will help me because he won't let me not do them. I don't like L sits and so I avoided them like the plague. One of my first workouts with him included L sits. I want a muscle up and that will never happen if I don't get stronger or attempt. I haven't tried (and failed) to get a MU in well over a year. I am fairly certain I'll see muscle up progression in an upcoming workout.

 This is just giving me more room for improvement...right?

Week 2

  • Press: up to 5x3 at 60#
  • Assistance Work: Parellette Pushups 3x8, KB Bent Row: 3x6 with 1 pood KB
  • Conditioning: 3 rds: 30 1 pood swings in 1 minute, rest 1 minute.
  • Oly: Hang Power Snatch: 4x6 @63#
  • Conditioning: AMRAP 7 minutes: 1 rope climb, 15 unbroken wallballs - 4 rds
Wednesday at Aspen, not 402: 
  • Deadlift: *did it wrong but* 5x3 @175
  • Conditioning:
  1. 3x15 seated box jumps from 20" box to 24" box, rest 45 seconds between. Rest 2 minutes. 200 Double unders then 2 minutes to find 1RM Jerk - 113. I failed at 123. (sad face)
  2. Mini-Cindy: 10 min AMRAP: 5 pullups, 10 hand release pushups, 15 squats - 6 rds + 4 pullups
  • Mobility: a lot
  • Squat: 5x3 @125
  • Bench: 5x3 @ 73
  • Assistance Work: RDL 3x10 @93#, 2x40 situps, 20 hollow rocks, HSPU Negatives, Shrugs 3x10 @93, Banded Shoulder External Rotation 3x10 with purple band

This last week really kicked my ass. I (easily) convinced myself to not go to 6:30am class on Wednesday; this morning was very difficult to muster the strength to roll out of bed. Regardless of my willingness, I still did the lifts I was scheduled to do. Part of my lack of desire to go may have to do with how heavy these weights feel and how sore I have been the last 2 weeks. I know that these things will pass, but it's a hard sell at this point. I don't have more energy, I am not moving more weight, I don't look better in jeans. Moral of the story: I have to work to get what I want. It is not going to be handed to me. There are going to be a lot of temptations. It is going to take a long time. In the end, though, I will see the results and get to the point I am expecting myself to go. End of story. 

Monday, April 23, 2012


One of my biggest struggles when working out, training or otherwise, is a lack of motivation. I don't really set goals and I don't have a driving force. I know I am never going to be as strong as Annie T, as fast as Kristan C, or look as good in a sports bra and shorty shorts as Camille L-B. One of the first things Mike asked me was why I wanted to do this; I didn't have an answer. At first, I didn't think that was a big deal. I want to work out to not be fat and want to strive for something. However, the more I think about it, the more concerned I am that I don't have an answer. I don't know why I am putting myself through this (shit) for 12 months.

I am excited about it. I want to not be a fat ass. I want to achieve something I crapped out on previously in my life.  I want to be in fantastic shape (and be 95% Paleo) when I get pregnant, whenever that may be. Those are true, but none are actual motivating factors. Those things are easily overlooked when my alarm is going off at 5am so I can get up, get the dog out, and to the gym by 6.

Somehow, I have overcome that for the last 2 weeks. I know 2 weeks isn't much, but it's more waking up at 5 than I've done, I believe, my whole life. The more strength I do, the more I realize how much room I have for improvement. I realize how much better so many things in my life are when I am active.When I try and "train" on my own, I half ass workouts and end up talking myself out of going 4 days a week, my unearned rest days; when I am in a gym with people expecting me to show up and do relatively well, I go. It's surprising how much better a workout can make a day.

So, Mr. Brownfield, I figured out what my motivational factors are. Unfortunately, they cannot be measured or put on the whiteboard. I want to do this so I continually work out to improve my quality of life, improve the quality of life for those around me, and improve the lives of my future children.

I had the realization that I don't need to be the strongest or the fastest right now. I have plenty of room and time for improvement. If I fall short, at least I tried. This is something I want to do for me.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Little Rusty

Apparently, after not continuously working out for over a year, getting back into the swing of things is not the most enjoyable. I am sore in places I have (on purpose) not been sore for a long time. It is really simple to not do the lifts I don't like when I am doing my own programming. I was stuck in a lunge, DB clean, and double under rut. Luckily, I found a way out of said rut. Mike is ruthless, in a good way. I will mention in passing that I don't like L sits, and guess what is in my next metcon: stupid L Sits. I realized in my first week of training that I need to watch what I say around him...

Last week, before a much needed vacation to Salt Lake City, I did my baseline for the strength program. It is the same program I did at UNO a few years ago, so it should be an easy adjustment. Although my numbers weren't huge, it gave me a starting point...and plenty of room for improvement. Mike let me find my 3ish RM instead of 1 rep; I think I complained enough about a 1 rep that he caved. For some reason, I can do roughly 10 reps at 90% of my 1rep, but cannot increase my 1rep. Silliness. My numbers were (please hold your applause till the end of the program):
Press: 73#x3
Deadlift: 185# x3
Squat: 155# x2
Bench: 88# x3

I warned you that they were less than superior. Thank goodness I have no where to go but up. I also have a goal of getting a strict handstand pushup and muscle up (kipping or strict) by the end of this year. 

Week 1 of Training

  • Press: up to 3x5 at 58#
  • Oly: Hang Squat Snatch: 4x8 @43#
  • Assistance Work: Parellette Pushups 3x10, KB Bent Row: 3x8 with baby KB
  • Conditioning: 3 rds: 30 DU, 15 Burpees - 6:05
  • Deadlift: up to 150x5
  • Assistance Work: Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat 3x8 @43#, GHD 3x15
  • Conditioning: 3 rds: 250 row, 150 barbell squat jumps - 7:25
  • Conditioning: Ladder of wall walks, Ring L Sits, and per leg pistols - up to 4th rd
  • Mobility: crap-ton
  • Squat: 3x5 @118
  • Bench: 3x5 @ 68
  • Assistance Work: RDL 3x10 @83#, GHD 3x15, HSPU Negatives 3x5, Shrugs 3x10 @83, Banded Shoulder External Rotation 3x10 with purple band

Other than a few sore areas, I am pretty happy with how this week went. Most of my lifts felt really strong and I nearly got a kipping HSPU today and am pretty pumped about that. I have been lucky enough to get to the gym at different class times to meet other people. I know to get serious about my training, I will have to get more serious about the foods I am putting in my body. Right now, it's not the biggest concern for me. I'm not going around eating donuts and drinking all kinds of soda; however, it's just not as on point as I know it should or could be. 

One of my greatest allies in training will be my husband. He supports my goal of getting to Regionals next year 100%. It is going to be an adjustment in scheduling for the two of us, but we'll figure out a way around it. We already know it won't always be easy, but he'll be right by my side for this adventure, cheering me on the entire way. No matter what happens in the next 12-24 months, I know he'll be proud of me. 

I am pretty excited to have earned a couple days off this weekend. I am sure I'll end up doing something active, but I mostly want to sit on a couch with ice on my shoulder and in a cocktail for 2 days this weekend. 


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Training for 2013

I was lucky enough to stumble in to Crossfit402 towards the end of 2011. Mike Brownfield is a great trainer and I knew I would fit in there well enough. The plan was to do Olympic lifts there a few times a month so I didn't lose that ability when I started doing easy metcons at Aspen Fitness and running with our new puppy in the mornings. I thought I burnt out with Crossfit: the hierarchy, the crazy heavy WODs, and the drama. I have since found out, I was just at the wrong gym.

402 is a great little community of athletes, solely there to make their lives a little healthier. Not many of them will ever see Regionals, let alone the Games. Not one person cares. They may not do main site WODs prescribed or be featured in commercials, but they have fun. That is the basis of all great gyms. That is why I stuck around.  I have fun when I am at that gym. It doesn't matter if/when I am the only girl at an Oly class, the guys treat me as an equal. They cheer just as loud for my 88# as they do for someone else's 188#. It's an atmosphere that promotes personal growth for everyone, not just a select few.

During one of my classes, Mike asked me if I wanted to start training for next year's Open, Regionals, and Games. It took a lot of thought. There are a lot of things I saw myself doing in the next 12 months, not that Crossfit alone will hinder any of those plans. I decided, however, that is was worth a shot; the worst that could happen is I end up in better shape than I am now. We sat down to discuss goals and strategies and worked out a plan. Although this is never where I imagined I would be this stage in my life, I am really excited to see where it takes me.

During the next year (or so), I will be posting on this blog. I want to have documentation that I truly put in 100% effort. I've tried training for regionals before, and ended up giving up about 1 month prior to the competition. I am going to give this my all. I have been around the Crossfit world for long enough that I know I have a long way to go, my strength especially. I have yet to decide if knowing that is a good thing or a bad thing. Either way, I have goals set and will do everything I can to achieve them.

So, sit back, read, and enjoy (and probably judge too).